Tavi Stars - Art Portfolio - Digital Art & More
I've been engaged in artistic pursuits for as long as I can recall. The influence of artistic and creative family members, both immediate and extended, has played a significant role in shaping my artistic endeavors. Here, you'll find a showcase of my traditional and digital art, along with UGC, logos, icons, and banners I've crafted for various games and websites, among other creations.
It should go without saying, but please refrain from stealing, tracing, copying, editing, altering, running my artwork through AI, or claiming it as your own in any form, whether in whole or in part. I deeply appreciate your respect for the time and effort I put into my creations.
My older artwork will be signed as HaphazardGirl, and newer items will be signed Tavi Stars.
Click to see original size of images, smaller or larger images may look distorted.